Calculated Member for Issue that is either Epic or Task with no Epic Link

Hi all,

I’m new to EazyBI and I’m trying to create a calculated member for the “Main Tasks” of a Jira Project. In this project, these tasks are either Epics or Regular tasks with no Epic Link. How can I express that in MDX ?

I’ve tried variations around
[Issue Type].[Epic]
, (NOT IsEmpty([Issue].[Issue].GetMemberByKey(‘Epic Link’)))}

Not to avail. Can someone help me ?

Hi @Mz_EM
In eazyBI epic issue types don’t have “Epic Link” thus it will always be empty.

You can use the Epic hierarchy in the Issue dimension to see Issues in Epics that are without any epic - under ‘(no epic)’ value. Or if you want to see Epics that don’t have any stories/tasks in them - there is no bottom level in the hierarchy.

If this is not what you would like to see, can you elaborate more on your use case - what is the end report you want to create?

Gerda //

Hi @gerda.grantina ,

First of all thanks for your answer, getting some help when getting started with a new tool is comforting :slight_smile:

Your answer helped me solve my issue, which was display in the report only the issues that are either Epic, or isolated - ie: not included in an Epic. So, following your advice:

  • I used the Issue Epic Link in the Measures to build the following Calculated Formula:
    [Measures].[IsMainTask] = (IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue Epic Link])) OR (NOT IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue Epic Name]))
  • Added a column in the report to display this value, the filtered it using MATCH filter on the column,
  • Then deleted the column in the grid, whcih apparently rather hides it.

Problem solved :slight_smile: