Calculated member OR condition that overlaps the issues

I would like to create a report for the following JQL:
project in (A,B,C) AND labels in (Label-1,label-2) or project in (A,B,C) AND assignee in (assignee-1,assignee-2)?

You are using the same project selection and there is an OR condition for filtering either particular Assignees or particular Labels.

You can use the common filter part - project selection on the report on Pages. You would like to use some custom calculations for any OR filtering of two dimensions.

The simplest option is using arithmetical calculations - count issues with labels add issues with assignees and subtract where assignee and label overlap for the same issue.

The field Label might contain several values for one issue and you would like to treat labels differently than Assignee in this case. Therefore, I would suggest creating a new calculated member in the Label dimension by listing all labels you would like to include in the filter. I have two labels app_1 and app_2. Here is an example formula for my calculated member Apps in the dimension Label :


You can do the same for Assignee users. However, you can address them in the formula directly as in my example.

Here is an example formula counting Issues with label Apps adding issues with two assignees and subtracting the ones where they overlap calculated measure Adam Anna or Apps in my report example:

([Measures].[Issues created count],
  {[Assignee].[Adam Mint],
   [Assignee].[Anna Linda]},
   [Measures].[Issues created]
  {[Assignee].[Adam Mint],
   [Assignee].[Anna Linda]},
   ([Measures].[Issues created count],

Here is how it looks in the report:

You can check out this training video (the second use case) on similar use cases. MDX formulas are one way on how to address complex filters. For long-term solutions, you can consider using calculated JavaScript custom fields.

Daina /