Calculating Completed Story Points (or issues) that were added / committed after the sprint started +1days

Hi Community,
Hopefully someone can help, because our sprints start moments after the previous finishes we allow the teams a day of sprint contents manipulation and only start counting “added” and “removed” after this period.

We have measures to effectively re-create Sprint Committed, Added, Changed and Removed measures to take the values from sprint start +1d.

This works great, but we would like to track what points or issues of the “Committed” were also completed within the sprint and then also do the same for “Added”.

Essentially the measure we need is Sprint Story Points completed of committed & Sprint Story Points completed of added, but the built in ones take from sprint start, and not the +1d date.

These measures look to use hidden dimension hierarchies of [Sprint Incoming State].[Added] & [Sprint Incoming State].[Committed] which I am not sure how to replicate and customize…
Essentially I am looking for a way to count if an issue is included in two measures (Added & Completed, or Committed & Completed), but not sure how I can do this.

Any guidance would be great…

Thank you!

Hi @Mark_Wiggins

Thanks for the details!
That’s a rather interesting workflow!

I checked the measures in my instance and to me it looks like the “Sprint Story Points completed of committed” measure displays the final SPs of the issue and not just the committed ones:

Could you please check the same on your end?
Is this what you are looking for or do you wish to capture some other metrics?

​Best regards,

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Thanks for the reply @nauris.malitis, I do see the same as you, the thing I was looking for was slightly different…

For example (assuming “committed” was anything added prior to the sprint start date)…
If we had two issues (DA-1 & DA-2) of which DA-1 was added to the sprint prior to the sprint starting, whereas DA-2 was added to the sprint half way into the sprint.

Then I would like two metrics…

  • Metric 1 - Would sum up all issues that were “committed” and complete within the sprint
    ** In this case would only count DA-1
    ** I believe this is what Sprint Story Points completed of committed does

  • Metric 2 - Would sum up all issues that were not “committed” (i.e. added post sprint start) and complete within the sprint
    ** In this case would only count DA-2
    ** I believe this is what Sprint Story Points completed of added does

My issue is that within or teams what we class as “committed” (and consequently when we start counting issues as “Added”) is not when the sprint starts, but sprint start + 1day.

So I am looking for the same metrics as Sprint Story Points completed of committed & Sprint Story Points completed of added, but changing where it thinks the “commitment” is defined

Does that help to clarify?

Hi @Mark_Wiggins

Thanks for the details!

The limiting thing here is that it is not possible to postpone the start by exactly 24 hours, for example, if the sprint started on Monday 10:00 AM, then it is not possible to specify the start time as Tuesday 10:00 AM in the report.


It is possible to get the historical SP count for the end of any specific calendar day.
So, if you’re sprints are starting at Monday 10:00 AM, then we can capture the number of SPs in the sprint at the end of the Monday.

If this fits your use case, then you can use the following measures and formulas.
Note that these formulas will only work if you have individual Sprint members selected in Rows or anywhere else in the report context.
SPs committed:

  [Measures].[Story Points history],
  [Time].[Day].DateMember([Measures].[Sprint actual start date])

SPs added:

[Measures].[Sprint Story Points added]
[Measures].[Sprint Story Points committed]
  [Measures].[Story Points history],
  [Time].[Day].DateMember([Measures].[Sprint actual start date])

SPs completed of committed:

    Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
    [Measures].[Story Points added] > 0
    [Measures].[Sprint Story Points completed] > 0,
      [Measures].[SPs committed] > 0,
      [Measures].[Sprint Story Points completed],

SPs completed of added:

    Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
    [Measures].[Story Points added] > 0
    [Measures].[Sprint Story Points completed] > 0,
      [Measures].[SPs added] > 0,
      [Measures].[Sprint Story Points completed],

If, however, your team is working on changing the issues both Monday and Tuesday and you wish to start the count in the midnight of the next day from the sprint actual starting date, you can replace this line from the first two formulas:

[Time].[Day].DateMember([Measures].[Sprint actual start date])

to this:

[Time].[Day].DateMember(DateAddDays([Measures].[Sprint actual start date], 1))

Let me know if this works as expected!
​Best regards,

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