Calculating weekly average per user for prior month

Hi, I’m trying to determine and report on the weekly average hours spent per user during a prior month. Very basic - just hours per person per week, but can’t seem to find a pre-defined measure or a clear way to calculate. Any guidance please?

Hi @RobL!

To see logged hours, you would use the Hours spent Measure together with the Logged by and Time dimension. In the Time dimension, I suggest choosing the Week hierarchy and possibly one of the pre-defined weeks aggregated members, such as the Last 4 weeks.

See some example reports in the eazyBI demo account.

Let me know if I missed something and you have some further questions!
Lauma /

Thanks Lauma. I appreciate the reply.

What you suggest gets me the aggregate hours for the time period (e.g., last 4 weeks or previous month). What would I need to do to get the average weekly hours for that period? The average weekly calc is what’s tripping me up.


Hi @RobL!

For Average calculation you can use the eazyBI Standard calculations by clicking on the Hours spent measure:

Lauma /