Calculating working days to resolve using created date and custom 'actual fix date' field

I’m trying to understand how many working days an issue took to fix. I have the created date and a custom field called ‘actual fix date’ but I keep getting a blank result when i write the formula. Can someone help me out please? (I’m new to this)
I know the actual fix date exists because i can run a count on it:

but i dont know how to get how long it took (working days) from ‘created date’ to ‘actual time to fix’ date

Hello, is there anyone there please? @admin ?

HI @Seema.2.sharma,

By default, eazyBI imports measure showing the duration of issue standard fields, like resolution date or between status transitions. However, you can create a new calculated measure to calculate the duration of workdays between any two dates.

Use function DateDiffWorkdays() to calcauted duration between Issue created date and Issue Actual Fix Date.

Use functions Avg(), Filter(), and Descendants() to get the right set of issues for each period (Issue Actual Fix Date fall in the selected month) and get the average duration from those issues.

Expression to get the average duration from the Creation date till the Actual Fix Date for issues with the Actual Fix Date in the selected month might look like this:

  --set of issues with actual fix date in the selected period
      [Measures].[Issue Actual Fix Date],
  --for each issue calculate duration if issue matches filter criteria in report
    [Measures].[Issues with Actual Fix Date] > 0
      [Measures].[Issue created date],
      [Measures].[Issue Actual Fix Date]

Set measure formatting to decimal.
Review and update the expression (lines 6, 12, 16) to the exact field names for the “Issue Actual Fix Date” and “Issues with Actual Fix Date” as you have in eazyBI.
More details on calcauted measures described in the documentation: Calculated measures.

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Zane /

Thank you @zane.baranovska , that works!

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