Can eazybi be used to create Dashboards/Report with custom data?


I am very new to eazybi. Literally just started exploring yesterday. I am able to find videos where it can be used to Create charts and tables for jira data which is imported which contains information like Issues Created, Issues Resolved, Priority of Bugs and all. Also saw that it can take Data as Excel which should have columns/Fields as similar to Jira…like Key, Assignee, Created Date, Updated Date etc.

I wanted to know whether i can upload a Custom Excel like the one given below
for eg:
|Date |Name |Fail |Total |
| | | | |
|20171201|Samsung |24 |29 |
|20171201|Canon |75 |335|
|20171201|LG |13 |128 |
|20171201|Onida |5 |48 |

Using this excel will I be able to create charts/Reports/Dashboards using eazybi?
In that case is there any tutorial/Documentation available to see how Custom excel has to be imported, How Measures,PAGES and Dimensions can be added to create Charts?

Kindly help me with this.

Hi @Priya_Ramakrishnan,

Yes, you can also upload an excel file as a data source and then build reports and dashboards based on those data in eazyBI.
There are more details on how to import and map data in eazyBI:

For example, you might want to map your excel file, as shown in the picture below.

Zane /

@zane.baranovska Thanks for the reply…ill try this out.