I am trying to determine if there is a way to capture the status of issues not completed within a sprint! when a sprint was closed. Similar to the Sprint Report provided by JIRA -
Hi Brian,
I think this might work:
[Measures].[Transitions to] > 0
NOT ([Sprint].Defaultmember, [Measures].[Issues resolved]) <> 0
[Measures].[Issue status]
If you would like to add more measures or properties then you can make this calculated member and then just add “matches” like in the picture.
Hope that helps.
Gvido Neilands, flex.bi
Gvido - does not appear to be working based on the example that you provided - I implemented similar to you except allowing the user to select the sprint but does not appear to be working correctly
the Sprint report shows
Actually, you could try using Sprint related measures in eazyBI, such as: “Sprint issues not completed” from “Measures” dimension:
You could also check some of our demo report examples here:
Martins / eazyBI support