Cloned Issue biasing EazyBI reports

Dear EazyBI team, we are writing you to report an issue that we are experiencing at the time being that affects the reporting quality of EazyBI, but that is originated by the workflow in place in JIRA for a specific kind of IssueType. In our project there is a IssueType which has a particular workflow which reflects a deliverable review process. When the deliverable is submitted to the client, there are two possibilities (reflected in the workflow as well): acceptance or rejection. In the first case, the deliverable, represented by the cloned JIRA issue, is brought forward in the workflow, in the second case (rejection), the original deliverable/issue is brought back to the start of the workflow. That means it is brought back to the “Not Started” status. The problem stands in the fact that the original issue (representing the rejected deliverable) will then appear in all reports as “Not Started” together with the other cloned issues.This originates many problems connected to multiple fields in JIRA, and as well as in EazyBI, biasing the reports, cause in this case, two tickets will be counted for just one deliverable, and this can happen as many times as the deliverable is rejected.
We want to “deactivate” the all the issues except the one that’s currently going through the workflow.

For instance, let’s say an issue called “ISSUE_EXM” is created and re-submitted 5 times. Then, the table would show (among other tickets that would already be there):

|Ticket ID|Summary|Status|

|DT-001|ISSUE EXM| Closed|
|DT-002|ISSUE EXM| Closed|
|DT-003|ISSUE EXM| Closed|
|DT-004|ISSUE EXM| Closed|
|DT-005|ISSUE EXM| Closed|
|DT-006|ISSUE EXM|E.g. Not Started (this is the current active one!)|

What’s wrong in this table:

  • We have 6 entries for the same issue (“ISSUE EXM”). We only want to have the one that’s currently active (DT-006).
  • The previous issues with the status Closed should not be counted as Closed! This would compromise our charts and graphs by indicating that we have more closed issues than we actually do. The issue “ISSUE EXM” is only actually Closed until the last clone goes to Closed.

Could you please help on this?

Thank you very much