I want to color on specific months for all years in a table.
For example, I want to color on March and September for all years (including previous year, current year, etc.) as shown below:
I know, a specific month row can be colored by using Cell Formatting for each row, but I want to set up an automatic custom formatting that automatically color on March and September for all years including previous year, current year, and all future years.
Please advise how to make it work, thank you.
Hi @Kyung_Park,
You might use the conditional cell formatting with an additional calculation.
March and September have the month numbers 3 and 9.
You might use conditional formatting options “Custom formula” and “Exact value”.
The expression itself should return the month number for the month where the displayed Time member starts.
The expression itself could be as follows.
Then, you need to add the actual conditions for the specific values.
The total look of conditional formatting might be as follows.
This setup would also color the weeks that start in those months.
Oskars / support@eazyBI.com