Combine Insight (Assets) Import and Jira Import

I have a Jira project with custom fields with Insight Assets.
I want to classify the tickets by an attribute of the object the tickets have. I only see that I can classify the tickets by the custom field with the Insight Object but not by an attribute of it. Is this possible? Or do I need to import that attribute into a separate customfield?
To make it easier the example.
My jira tickets have a customfield with Insight Objects that are suppliers. Those suppliers are classified by colors. I want to classify my tickets by those colors.


It is possible to configure the import of the Assets custom field attributes as described here in the documentation: Assets

Once you do that, you can see the attributes created for the Assets custom field dimension and create a custom hierarchy in this dimension:

That allows creating the report in the Issues cube by the Assets object attribute:

Janis, eazyBI