Compare two fields from an Issue

I want to create report to compare cost and budget.

I have calculated cost(calculated number,custom field) in jira and budget field as numeric value.
I want to compare both of them.

then need to be grouped in work type.

I am attaching screenshot for better understanding

As you can see the value 15000, 45000 and others, these are other values that came from Total Estimated Cost dimension, which I dont’ want. These value could be from other issue from all other Issues from my JIRA Source but not applicable in the Page(Subsidiaries Sub-Portfolio) I have selected.

The end goal is to have two bar with those issue which have cost or budget or both to compare.


Best way to display numeric values would be by importing them as Measures. If you import Cost and Budget as Measure, you would select them from Measures dimension on Columns and leave, e.g., Work Type on Rows. This would show total Cost and Budget for issues with ‘Enhancements’ work type.
Further, if you wish to see the values for each issue, you can add Issue dimension / Issue level on rows next to Work Type.

Please let me know if you have further questions regarding this!
Lauma /

Importing as Measure resolved the issue, also did adding right settings in Advanced Settings,
Thank you!!