Concatenate two fields into one


I need support.

I have two distinct fields:

- Involved areas
TYPE: Select List (multiple choices)

- Responsible Areas
TYPE: Select List (single choice)

What I need is: concatenate in a single option to display the report by area the quantity. Example:


10 tickets as involved areas
5 tickets as involved areas

It’s possible ?


I would suggest using one of the dimensions on the Rows. For example, you can use Involved areas as a dimension on Rows.

Then the default measure Issues created will show issues with selected Involved areas.

Then you can use a tuple to reach for the Responsible areas with the same name Issues in responsible areas:

-- switch from Involved areas to Responsible areas:
  [Measures].[Issues created],
  [Responsible areas].[Responsible areas].GetMemberByKey(
    [Involved areas].CurrentMember.Key
-- ignore Involved areas get issues with responsible areas no matter if they overlap with Involved areas
  [Involved areas].DefaultMember

Here is a measure that will show where an issue has the same (overlap) Involved area and responsible area:

-- switch from Involved areas to Responsible areas:
  [Measures].[Issues created],
  [Responsible areas].[Responsible areas].GetMemberByKey(
    [Involved areas].CurrentMember.Key

Daina /