Conditional update_from_issue_key

Hi all,
I have this this hierarchy in Jira advance roadmap:
I also have a custom field “budget” that I want to import. I am currently importing it using a custom field advance setting (update_from_issue_key = “jpoh_parent_3”). The thing is he budget can be set at Feature leavel OR at Epic level.

Is it possible to have something like:

if(!issue.fields.customfield_11100 ) 
  update_from_issue_key = "jpoh_parent_3"

Thanks for your help!

Hi @dword

Thank you for the question!
Currently, you can define only one parent level to use for inheriting the field value.
However, I added this use case to our feature backlog for further consideration.

Meanwhile, as a workaround, you may use some scripted field in Jira (ScriptRunner, for instance) and pass down the budget value from Feature if Epic budget value is empty, and then, importing into eazyBI, use Epic level budget.


Hi Ilze,
Thank you for your answer. When you say

only one parent level to use for inheriting the field value

I understand that it is not possible to add a conditional statement to this directive.
The workaround sounds a bit complex in terms of path even we use Jira automation, we will try to figure it out.