Confidence interval

Hi Community,

How can I filter my report results to be more focus based on Confidence interval of 95%? Meaning drop the edges of my results, which divert my reports and shows incorrect info.
Did anyone tried some statistics models on their reports and can share their knowledge with me?

Thanks in advanced,

I used this to get 85th percentile on cycle time of issues.

[Measures].[Cycle Time 85th Percentile] =
Cache (
Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
[Measures].[Issues created]>0),
[Measures].[Cycle Time],

[Measures].[Cycle Time] =
CASE WHEN Not IsEmpty([Issue].CurrentMember.get(‘Closed at’))
DateDiffDays([Issue].CurrentMember.getDate(‘Created at’),
[Issue].CurrentMember.get(‘Closed at’))

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Hi Guy,

Thank you for your answer.

Could you please explain the code you wrote?

Thanks in advanced,

I’ll my best but I don’t have the deep understanding of easyBI support. I tend to copy and paste and cross my fingers. This piece consists of 2 measure. Cycle Time looks whatever the row is and subtracts two dates. Created and closed are already available so for simplicity’s sake I used them. So whatever you are trying to generate a statistic on, replace this measure with one that makes sense. Once you have that calculation working for you then go for the percentile.

The row dimension for me is always issue. I’m looking for the cycle time for JIRA Epics.

The 85th percentile is saying find me all Issues in the Issue dimension (Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue])) where there are issues created ([Measures].[Issues created]>0)) . Seems odd but that is a part I copied from examples. Then Find the point in that distribution that is at the 85 percentile. This report uses a 50 percentile measure and the separate 85 percentile.

“cube_name”: “Issues”,
“cube_reports”: [
“name”: “Cycle Time Percentiles”,
“folder_name”: “Program Metrics”,
“result_view”: “table”,
“definition”: {
“columns”: {
“dimensions”: [
“name”: “Measures”,
“selected_set”: [
“[Measures].[Cycle Time 50th Percentile]”,
“[Measures].[Cycle Time 85th Percentile]”
“members”: []
“rows”: {
“dimensions”: [
“name”: “Issue”,
“selected_set”: [
“[Issue].[All Issues]”
“members”: [],
“bookmarked_members”: []
“nonempty_crossjoin”: true
“pages”: {
“dimensions”: [
“name”: “Project”,
“selected_set”: [
“[Project].[All Projects]”,
“[Project].[Put your project here]”
“members”: [
“depth”: 0,
“name”: “All Projects”,
“full_name”: “[Project].[All Projects]”,
“drillable”: true,
“type”: “all”,
“expanded”: true,
“drilled_into”: false,
“removed”: false
“depth”: 1,
“name”: “SOA Execution”,
“full_name”: “[Project].[Put your project here]”,
“drillable”: true,
“key”: “SE”,
“parent_full_name”: “[Project].[All Projects]”
“bookmarked_members”: [],
“current_page_members”: [
“[Project].[Put your project here]”
“name”: “Issue Type”,
“selected_set”: [
“[Issue Type].[All Issue Types]”
“members”: [
“depth”: 0,
“name”: “All Issue Types”,
“full_name”: “[Issue Type].[All Issue Types]”,
“drillable”: true,
“type”: “all”,
“expanded”: true,
“drilled_into”: false,
“removed”: true
“depth”: 1,
“name”: “Epic”,
“full_name”: “[Issue Type].[Epic]”,
“parent_full_name”: “[Issue Type].[All Issue Types]”
“bookmarked_members”: [],
“current_page_members”: [
“[Issue Type].[Epic]”
“options”: {},
“view”: {
“current”: “table”,
“maximized”: false,
“table”: {}
“description”: “Percentiles for different classes of work. Expand the project selection to filter down to Component.”
“calculated_members”: [
“name”: “Cycle Time”,
“dimension”: “Measures”,
“formula”: “CASE WHEN Not IsEmpty([Issue].CurrentMember.get(‘Closed at’))\nTHEN\n DateDiffDays([Issue].CurrentMember.getDate(‘Created at’), \n [Issue].CurrentMember.get(‘Closed at’))\nEND”,
“format_string”: “#,##0
“name”: “Cycle Time 50th Percentile”,
“dimension”: “Measures”,
“formula”: “Percentile(\n Filter(\n Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),\n [Measures].[Issues created]>0),\n [Measures].[Cycle Time],\n 50\n)\n”,
“format_string”: “”
“name”: “Cycle Time 85th Percentile”,
“dimension”: “Measures”,
“formula”: “Cache (\n Percentile(\n Filter(\n Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),\n [Measures].[Issues created]>0),\n [Measures].[Cycle Time],\n 85\n )\n)”,
“format_string”: “”

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