Cost burdown chart and feature progress chart integrated

I have to make an integrated chart for single epics with the content:
axis x should be time
on axis y (which is %) should be 3 lines

  1. a cost burnup line starting from 0%, going up as mandays are spent going up towards 100% which is original estimated cost of the project (imported from csv)
  2. a hipothetical cost burnup line goint up from 0% to exactly 100%, reaching it on the deadline of the epic
  3. a features ready or features produced line going up from 0% to 100%

My solution so far for:
line nr1.
cumulative spending (MD%)=[Measures].[Cumulated spending (MD)] /[Measures].[Cost estimation (MD)]
Cumulated spending (MD)= CumulativeSum([Measures].[Hours spent with sub-tasks])/8
Cost estimation (MD)=DefaultContext((
[Measures].[development estimation],
[Epic Link].CurrentMember
and development estimation is imported from csv for each epic link

line nr2.
cumulative cost estimation (MD%)= [Measures].[cumulative cost estimation] / [Measures].[Cost estimation (MD)]
Cost estimation (MD)=DefaultContext((
[Measures].[development estimation],
[Epic Link].CurrentMember
and development estimation is imported from csv for each epic link

line nr3 is a challange for me
i need a calculated measure for filtered issues where tha issue name consists a string ‘FEATURE’
the calculated measure is resolved / created issue for only issues with ‘FEATURE’ in the name and a kind of defaultcontext (i mean valid) for the whole epic.

filtering for ‘FEATURE’ issues in the table design is not a solution because cost should be calculated for every issue in the epic while feature readyness only for ‘FEATURE’ issues.

Time should start with the day when the status of the epic ticket chaged to ‘in progress’ and end with the day when it changed to ‘DONE’.

Thank you in advance

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It seems that the missing part is the solution of how to filter issues by the name pattern.
Please, check this community post for that: Filter open issue by summary - #2 by roberts.cacus

Janis, eazyBI support

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Hi Janis,
I could resolve the issue using issue level filtering in a user defined calculated formula (which is not suggested by Cacus). I do not have permission to add custom fields nor in Jira, neither in eazyBI.
Thank you for the advice anyway
Best regards

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