Count issues in timeperiod


I am looking for a way to count issues in a timepeirod.
I want to count all of the issues created before, or at the current time, and resolved after the current time or not resolved yet.

Is that possible?

It seems that you need to use measure “Open issues”:

  • “Open issues” calculate what is the number of unresolved issues at the end of the corresponding Time dimension period or how many issues have been created and are still without the resolution. The measure counts issues since the beginning of the time until the end of the selected time period.

You can find more detailed information about available measures and dimensions here: Jira Core measures and dimensions

And there is also sample report that might be useful:

Kind regards,
Ilze /

Hi Ilze

Thank you for your reply! But that is not excatly what I am looking for.
What I’m looking for is a baclog of ofen issues, where I can see how many open issues did I have in October last year. If I use Open Issues, I can (if I understand corretly) only get an overview of how many open issues that are still open.

Does that make sense? :slight_smile:

Your concern does make sense and I can describe in more detail how the measure [Open issues] works.

If you create a report with the Time dimension value of October 2022, measure [Open issues] will show how many issues were not resolved at the end of October 2022 even if they are resolved now.
If you choose the Time dimension level “Day”, it will show, how many issues were open at the end of a specific day even if they were resolved later.

Let me know if you have any further questions.


Hi Ilze

Thank you for the further explanation of [Open Issues], that’s great!

But it’s still not exactly what I want to do.
I have tried to make a Time dimension value of Jan 2022 where i have 882 Issues created, and 800 issues resolved, but [Open Issues] says 656, where I would assume that it would bed 82.
So is there a way where I can change they Time period for when [Open Issues] count? Maybe change somethingg in the script of [Open Issues]

Or maybe you can help me understand why [Open Issues] says 457 in this period?

Hi Anna,

Predefined measure [Open issues] shows a number of all unresolved issues at the end of the corresponding Time dimension period (regardless of when they were created). Also, [Issues resolved] shows a number of all resolved issues in the time period (regardless of when they were created).

To see the number of issues created and resolved in the same time period, create a new report-specific calculated measure [Resolved same period] with the following formula:

-- iterate through set of issues
-- apply filter criteria to each issue
[Measures].[Issue created date],
[Time].CurrentHierarchyMember ) AND
[Measures].[Issue resolution date],
[Time].CurrentHierarchyMember )
-- numeric expression - sum of relevant issues
[Measures].[Issues created]

Then, you can create one more calculation to see the number of issues that were not resolved in the same period as they were created (I suggest not using the name “Open issues” because it will be confused with a predefined measure):

[Measures].[Issues created] - [Measures].[Resolved same period]

More about predefined measures and dimensions here: Jira Core measures and dimensions and also: Samples Jira Issues.

I hope this helps.
