Count issues that were altered between Resolved and Closed Status


This use case cannot be covered by the standard elements of the eazyBI data cube. The way to go is to implement a Javascript-calculated custom field similar to this: Count User interaction with Issue. This Javascript records the count of user activities on issues and shows the count on the Time dimension.

Your use case would require adjustmetn to check that user activity happened between the resolution date and the date when the last closed status was reached. Perhaps, a simpler solution will be to check if there is a user activity after the resolution date.

However, the possible outcome will differ between data centers and the Cloud. In the case of the Cloud, eazyBI has almost full access to the changelog records during the data import. In the case of the data center, we can rely only on the status change history when writing Javascript code in the calculated field (which will not help in this use case). A Scriptrunner field on the Jira side could be a solution for the data center.

Janis, eazyBI support

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