Count issues without story points in sprint at closing (without subtasks and Spikes)

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to build a report that shows how many issues there were in a sprint without SP at closing, not counting the sub-tasks and spikes. Could anyone help me define a measure for such a report?

Thanks in advance,

Hi @Zalina_Kaytmazova,

eazyBI offers a measure to show which issues were in Sprint at closing, “Sprint issues at closing”, and also a measure showing how many story points were in Sprint at closing, “Sprint Story Points at closing”. To get the combined view of how many issues were without Stroy points, yuo should create a new calcauted measures.
The calcaution would iterate through all issues that were in Sprint at closing and check their Story Point value on that date.

  --set of issues
    --iterate through Parent issues that have been in some sprint
    CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Issue Sprints],"") MATCHES
      ".*" || [Sprint].CurrentHierarchyMember.GetCaption || ".*"
  CASE WHEN --issue was in Sprint at Closing but had no SP
    [Measures].[Sprint issues at closing] > 0 AND
    IsEmpty([Measures].[Sprint Story Points at closing])
  THEN --count parent issue 

More details on calculated measures and used MDX functions are described here:

Zane /

Hi Zane!

Thank you so much for you help.
For some reason this measure does not return any results, what could be the issue? I added Project and Sprints in the rows, maybe something else is missing?

Kind regards,

The calcaution is designed to work when individual Sprints are on report rows and compares the selected sprint name on report rows with the sprint names for each issue.

If you use vacated members in the Sprint dimension or board level, then you might use a more universal expression:

  --set of issues
    --iterate through Parent issues except for Sub-tasks
    [Measures].[Issue type] NOT MATCHES "Sub-task"
  CASE WHEN --issue was in Sprint at Closing but had no SP
    [Measures].[Sprint issues at closing] > 0 AND
    IsEmpty([Measures].[Sprint Story Points at closing])
  THEN --count parent issue 

Let me know how this works for you.
Kind regards,