Thank you , but how to count all the team members even if they not log time?
I mean, in this measure i’ve got number of people from this team who logged time, but i want to know the number of the Team members regardless if they log time or not.
“Logged by” dimension has only those users that has logged at least 1 time entry on imported issues.
Otherwise, the user won’t be found in this dimension and this approach won’t work.
eazyBI imports data based on issues and worklogs.
Inactive users are not imported in eazyBI.
see more details about the general user dimension here
The closest you could perhaps do is changing the formula so it searches for user worklogs through out whole history of issues (not just particular period of time)
Sorry to open this thread again. Logged by gets you all the users (even if the user is not part of the Tempo Team). Is there a way to get only the members defined in the Tempo Team (as setup in JIRA)? Does this require any new admin setting to load this into eazyBI? It is OK if any of the Tempo team member did not log any time for the selected time/sprint.