Count of Open Issues across time member not just end date

I’ve searched for related threads, but I cannot seem to find a straightforward answer to how to count for instance Open Issues across a time member. Let’s say I want to count how many open issues existed across a month in a 3 month report. The existing Open Issues measure counts what was open at the end of that month, but I’m trying to count the load for a team, including issues that may have been created then closed within a couple of days.

I assume this will rely on Issue History, but even that seems to relate to the last day in a Time member.

Hi Jordan,

You are right, the general measures all relate to the end of the last date of the Time dimension member.​

The issues being worked on during a time period have several possibly overlapping conditions. Therefore, the precise ​calculation requires iteration through the Issue dimension and checking each issue for compliance with any of the conditions.
The expression might be as follows.​

--created during the period
 ([Measures].[Issues created]
--reopened during period
([Measures].[Transitions to issues count],
[Transition Field].[Resolution],
--open at beginning
([Measures].[Issues history],
-- [Time].CurrentHierarchyMember.PrevMember
--alternative for calculated time
--measure for sum

​Depending on the size of your dataset, you might consider a tradeoff performance for precision.

​The faster option might be to consider all issues open at the beginning of the time period, then add all created during the period and add those that were re-opened during a period. This would be a much faster option. However, the issues that were created during the period, resolved and then reopened might be counted multiple times.

​The expression might be as follows.

--open at beginning
[Measures].[Issues history],
--created during period
([Measures].[Issues created],
([Measures].[Transitions to issues count],
[Transition Field].[Resolution],

​Oskars /