Count the number of (multi) selects per object

I have an objectype in insight with a select list where multiple things can be selected. It’s used a sort of progress evaluation: The more selects are on the object the worse it’s doing.
I want to make a report that tells me per object how many selects from the list are on that object.

Here is the table, currenly showing which selects are applicable

Can anyone help?
I tried using Count on currentmember, but it gives result 2 for all my objects, which is not correct.

In the future I will also have to exclude counting 1 value on the select list. Can someone help me with this also? Thank you


The following approach would do that:

  1. Add objects to the report rows, and filter by the object type (e.g., Functionalities)
  2. The custom measure for counting in the selections of the Business Domain for a Functionality is the following:
  Filter([Functionalities Business Domains].[Business Domains].Members,
    [Measures].[Objects created]>0

I tried the solution in my environment to count the refernced hosts of the Business service in my schema:

Janis, eazyBI support