Counting Epics in Project with missed target date

Hello everyone,

Im currently having problems counting the amount of epics in my Project with a specific Filter.

We have set a “target start” and “target end” for all our epics and only our epics.
Now i want to count all Epics in my Project that missed the target start.

I already managed to compare the target start with a specific status update using the “DateDiffDays” function.
Now every Epic with a “DateDiffDays” > 1 is considerd late. (see picture)

But whenever i try to count the number of epics withing my project, that have a “DateDiffDays” bigger then one, i dont get any result.

Can someone help me create a Measure to count these epics, while in Project overview?

Thank you for your help.

Best regards


Hi @LeoDu

Target start and target end dates could mean that you are using the Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy
If that is the case, make sure you have imported the “Parent link” field to create the Issue.Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy in “Issue” dimension.
Then create new calculated measure that would go through Epic level members from that hierarchy and count the epics having DateDiffDays result > 1

Try this formula when creating new user-defined calculated measure:

Descendants([Issue.Advanced Roadmaps].CurrentHierarchyMember,[Issue.Advanced Roadmaps].[Epic]),
[Measures].[Tageszaehler zwischen target start and review]>1
[Measures].[Issues with target start]>0

If you don’t use the Advanced Roadmaps, then ensure that “Epic Link” field is imported in eazyBI.
This field would create a Issue.Epic hierarchy in the “Issue” dimension.
Then your formula would be as follows:

[Measures].[Tageszaehler zwischen target start and review]>1
[Measures].[Issues with target start]>0

Martins / eazyBI

Hi Martins,

sadly this doesnt seem to work for some reason.

We are using advanced Roadmaps, maybe we have some Errors in our setup?
I think i know where the problem lies, but i dont know how to fix it:

Using the Issue Dimension and then show “all Issues by Epics” my “datediffdays” function works, since the epic uses the attached Storys for specific dates. (Our Epics do not use the same Status as our Storys, but the seem to “take on” the first day a Issue changes status as their own. - SEE PICTURE. Red = Epic
Blue = Storys)


When using the Advanced Roadmaps “Parent Link” Dimension, EazyBi does no dig deeper then the Parent link itself (Initiative), wich doesnt use any target start or end dates.

When using the “Advanced Roadmaps Epics” Dimension, it does show the correct “First time in Review”, but no “target start” or “Target end”.
Even though we used Advanced Roadmaps to put in “target Start” and “target End” dates.

Therefore no days are counted.

Do you have an Idea, where the Problem lies?

Best regards


When using Issue Dimension - All hierachy level members - advanced roadmaps - Epic, the Issue “Target start” and “Target end” is beeing shown.

Also my user defined Measure “First time in Review” is beeing calculated correctly.

The “DateDiffDays” calculation is also working.

But i still do not get any results using your method.

The final result, that i am trying to archieve, is just the amount of Epics in the Project, that has a “DateDiffDays” >1. So only 1 column and 1 row.

Can you help me with this?

Best regards

How do you calculate this measure “Tageszaehler zwischen target start and review” ?


I simply used the DateDiffDays function.


im guessing the problem lies there, since this probably doesnt work as intended when i view the whole project?

Best regards

The last formula would work only when using hierarchies from the “Issue” dimension.
Why can’t you use “Issue” dimension in your report instead?


We need a simple overview over our whole Project for our Management, showing the percentage of Epis, that missed their target start date.

Can i change my formula to also work from this point of view?



I believe your current formulas should work when using epic level from the Issue.epic hierarchy in the “Issue” dimension.

This formula iterates through epics already:

[Measures].[Tageszaehler zwischen target start and review]>1
[Measures].[Issues with target start]>0


Unless im doing something wrong, it sadly does not work and i dont realy know how to explain my current Situation.

When using your formula while using “Issues” → “All hierachy level members” → “Initiative/Portfolio-Epic” in Rows, the fomrula does not calculate anything. Meanwhile “Target start” and my own Calcualtion “Tageszaehler…” do show the correct numbers.

If im not wrong, even in this set up, your formula should show at least a “1” for every Epic that is late. However, it sadly doesnt.
Or am i wrong?

BUT, i do not need to see all my Epics, only a Sum of all the Epics in my Project.

So when im testing your formula while using “Project” in Rows, it is not calculating anything and the field stays empty.

Please tell me, if you need specific Informations. I am kind of stuck with this topic.

Best regards

@LeoDu reach out to eazyBI support and share your report definition (exported into a text file) we will help you with the steps to debug the case.


Btw, my last formula is designed only for Issue.Epic hierarchy (not for Portfolio hierarchy).

Note the issue.epic reference in line 3 for the formula.


Sadly it also doesnt work for the Epic hierarchy. “Issue” → All hierarchy level members" → “Epic”

“target start” and “Tageszeahler” do work however.


Please check if you have imported “Target start” and “Target end” fields both as properties and measures from the import options page.


Yes i do have them imported as both.


I just found the error.
My formula is using the “Tageszaehler zwischen target start and review” measure in the filter conditions, but this not the correct name of your calculated measure.
It should be with “und” not with “and” in the name.


Im sorry, but i checked all measures by hand so they fit my names. So that is sadly not the issues.


Do you see any values for epics from “Issue.epic” hierarchy epic level if you select the measure “Issues with target start” in columns?


Hello Martins,

i just tried i think and “Target start” does give me Values.

All other metrics do as well, only your defined formula does not give me any feedback.

Maybe our Project structure is a little bit weird?


What is the current formula you use for this column “Martins vanags reply”?
Please copy-paste from your report, don’t reuse my script as I had an syntax mistake earlier in this community thread.
