Créate a "child hierarchy" of the default "Issue" hierarchy


I want to create a new hierarchy in the Issue dimension, which would be a child hierarchy of the default “Issue” hierarchy.
This hierarchy would be called “Child Tickets”, it would concern all my “Work” type tickets (and only these tickets). All my “Work” tickets have a “Parent ticket” link with an issue, which can be US, TS or anomaly. Each “Work” ticket has only one “Parent ticket” link.

Is it possible ? I’ve read these two articles and feel like I can only create hierarchies that are above the default “Issue” hierarchy

thanks in advance

Here is what I tried in the EazyBI settings :

name = "E Epic"
inward_link = "has Epic"
issue_type = "Epic"
update_from_issue_key = "customfield_storye"
dimension = true

name = "E Parent"
inward_link = "Ticket parent"
update_from_issue_key = "customfield_travaile"
dimension = true

name = "E Enfant"
issue_type = "Travail"
update_from_issue_key = "parent_issue_key"
dimension = true

name = "Hiérarchie tickets parents & enfants"
all_member_name = "Tous les tickets"
levels = [

I get the following error

Hi @ThomasLegrand,

You might use the “Separate hierarchy level for Story between parent and epic” as a frame for your use case: Additional Issue hierarchies

All custom hierarchies ar built based on two default hierarchies offered by eazyBI: Sub-task or Epic hierarchy. And those levels (form one or another) should be added to the hierarchy definition.
In your example, the lower levels for Parent and Sub-task issues are missing in the advanced settings. The name “Parent” you already chose for another level therefore I named them:

  • “Issue” where goes the rest of the issues that do not match links and issue types are defined in for hierarchy criteria
  • and “Sub-task” where go all Jira sub-task issues.
name = "E Epic"
inward_link = "has Epic"
issue_type = "Epic"
update_from_issue_key = "customfield_storye"
dimension = true

name = "E Parent"
inward_link = "Ticket parent"
update_from_issue_key = "customfield_travaile"
dimension = true

name = "E Enfant"
issue_type = "Travail"
update_from_issue_key = "parent_issue_key"
dimension = true

name = "Hiérarchie tickets parents & enfants"
all_member_name = "Tous les tickets"
levels = [

Please see the Troubleshooting part, point 5 on how to define lover hierarchy levels: Additional Issue hierarchies.

Zane /