Creating a chart for data within a range

Hello EazyBI Folks,
I’m working with a project on which SLA’s were not correctly configured so retrieving the SLA breaches is not possible.

However, from historical tickets I’ve created a table which displays the difference between the due date and date the request was submitted.
The minimum time frame should be 14 days. Anything less that 14 days is a breach of our required lead time.

The table shown now displays the data I need, but I subsequently need to display the data in date_diff column as a chart to display how many issues are within or exceed the 14 day limit.

In excel I would use the COUNTIF “> 14”

How might I process this column data for ease of representation ?-
In Excel I’ve got this far, but would like to keep this all within EazyBI if possible

Hi, @Jack

Welcom to the eazyBI community.

Please consider creating two measures, one for those who >14 and one for <14.

The formula for the measures should look something like this:

    Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
    [Measures].[date_diff] > 14
  [Measures].[Issues created]

Adjust it to your needs.

Also, use the Time dimension in the rows to see the data in time and also in Pages to filter the period you are interested in.

Use a Pie Chart View:

Read more on how to format a pie chart: Create charts
