Our company has some processes that align month end dates with the last Sunday of a month. How can I create a customised time range that I can use instead of the normal calendar months?
The rule is
- Any days after the last Sunday of a month are counted in the following month
Can the weeks of a year are to be put into a newly defined hierarchy of MyMonths (e.g. MyJan, MyFeb, MyMar, …) by calculating whether there are 4 or 5 weeks in a each of MyMonth members?
Is there a simple way to achieve this?
I have watched Roberts presentation It’s About Time from eazyBI Community Days 2019 - https://docs.eazybi.com/eazybijira/learn-more/training-videos/training-videos-on-specific-topics#Trainingvideosonspecifictopics-It’sAboutTime(30min)
I think it is some combination of elements from a formula for a calculated member Current week:
and a formula for a calculated member similar to the last 30 days:
(DateBetween([Time].CurrentMember.StartDate, ''30 days ago', ''today'))