Creating a measure for downtime calculation

Hi! I am pretty new to eazyBI and am currently working on a pareto chart that analyzes Jira Tickets based on the Failure Reasons & resulting downtime of the system.

So what i do is i look at all the incidents & the failure reasons and analyze the downtime with this formula:

DateDiffMinutes([Measures].[Issue Customer Complaint],[Measures].[Issue Problem resolved])/60

My problem now is that this formula works fine when i drill through the single Failure Reasons (for example Software) and get the single incidents for software failures, every single one of them then gets a specific downtime measurement shown in the table.

What i now want to do is calculate the sum of the downtime for the failure reasons and show this downtime in the first image (so basically i want to add up all the downtimes caused by the single incidents from each failure reason and show them in the table). currently, my formula only works for single incidents and not for the failure reason as a whole.

Can someone please help me adjusting my formula in order to get the downtime for the failure reasons?

That would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards.


The following formula gives the total Downtime per all issues created:

    [Measures].[Issues created]>0
  DateDiffMinutes([Measures].[Issue Customer Complaint],[Measures].[Issue Problem resolved])/60

This formula gives the same amount per specific issue but aggregates once used with other dimensions.

Janis, eazyBI support

Thank you very much Janis,

all the best!