Creating a new report (issue link)


I’m trying to create a new report on EazyBI, the report consists getting the number of tickets of type “X” that are in the following status (a,b,c), the second condition is to have only the number of issue type “X” that is linked to a issue type “Y” that is on a specific status.

i didn’t find a way to add the “issue link” to this, dies someone have any clue for this ?



Please find our documentation page about issue link import:

You would need to define the issue link through eazyBI advanced settings using Jira link directions (inward vs outward) from the linked issue viewpoint and there you can specify also issue types (for example, only those linked issues that linked to Y type issues).
See the “Bugs” example in our documentation page:

Then you could create calculated measures to calculate the number of issues that have linked issues in a specific status.
Try this code after you have imported linked issues as a dimension:

Not IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue Linked issue]) --property name must be linked with the imported field
[Measures].[Issues created]>0

In the picture below you can see that issue links are imported.

Martins / eazyBI support

Hi Martins,

I have tried to import the link type “Activity for” with this code:

name = “Activity”
outward_link = “Activity for”
issue_type = “Action”
update_from_issue_key = “parent_issue_key”
dimension = true

I am not returning any results. Any idea why?


First, please check that you imported “Activity” field in import options page.
Next, you could check if you outward link is defined correctly in advanced settings(Sentence case vs lower case)
See more on linked issue import here:

Martins / eazyBI team