Custom Dimension Level

Hi eazyBI community and experts!

I need your help please. In the Issues cube, I’m creating a calculated custom field that produces a string output like the following “Domain,Domain_Leader” based on the value of another existing field.

I want to use that output to create a multi level custom field. I have tried using the instructions from this page but I have not been able to make it work.

Hi @fabianmunoz,

Please provide more details on how you defined the calculated field, what settings you used for it, and what the result was after data import.

Roberts //

Hi @roberts.cacus ,

I have a custom calculated field that reads the value of another issue field to return a string in the format of “Service_Domain**;**Service_SubDomain”. I want that returned string value to be turned into two Levels.

The custom field name is: customfield_wdservicedomain
I’m defining the field as a Dimension, String data type, on the Additional Advanced Settings I’m adding:

json_fields = [" customfield_wdservicedomain"]
levels = [“Domain”,“SubDomain”]
split_by = “;”

After importing the data, I do see the levels in the newly created dimension, however when I drag those levels into the report area, I get an empty result.

Hi @fabianmunoz,

The field internal name customfield_wdservicedomain indicates that it is a JavaScript calculated custom field. The documentation page you referenced is dedicated to a particular type of cascading field. Thus, it does not apply to your case fully.

eazyBI can’t read JavaScript calculated custom fields through the json_fields option. Please remove that setting. Make sure the actual field is selected for import and share how the cascading field is defined, including the JavaScript code.

Roberts //