I have a custom field in Jira called “Work Type” that has 5 options, and is a multiselect field (with checkboxes):
- New Functionality
- New page from new template
- New page from existing template
- Update to existing page (no layout changes)
- Quality
I am new to eazyBi and trying to figure out how to create a way to view combinations of the above, along with individual items. For example:
I would like to be able to view issues where “New page from new template” AND “New functionality” is selected… and see average resolution workdays on that, compared to issues wehre “Update to existing page” AND “New functionality” is selected.
Additionally, it would be nice to have the option to compare items taht are simply marked as “New page from new template” and nothing else, against “New page from new template” AND “New functionality” items
Should i be creating one calculated member for each combo? Is there an easier way to be doing this?
thank you! sorry i am new to this so dont know the right terminology
You are using one field to make several selections. However, you would like to use each selection separately (and in combination) with other selections.
You can try using some MDX formulas to specify particular scenarios. However, if you need more versatile data analysis on them, I would suggest importing each selection as a new field - dimension. Then you will be able to use any combination of them in the report.
You can define 5 new fields in eazyBI advanced settings (those fields will be visible only in eazyBI) and use JavaScript calculation in one of them to fill in values for all of them.
Here is my example, I have Checkbox style custom field with two selections - One, Two. I defined two fields for them and specified how to fill the values for each field if the particular value is selected:
name = "One"
data_type = "string"
dimension = true
name = "Two"
data_type = "string"
dimension = true
javascript_code = '''
if(issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN ) {
switch (workType.value) {
case "One":
issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN_1 = "One selected";
case "Two" :
issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN_2 = "Two selected";
You can define 5 fields with the same principle as above. Use javascript code in one of them.
Please custom field ID instead of NNNNN in all places in any definition.
Please update formulas using your Work Type selection values instead of One and Two in the examples above.
Pro-tip. I used One selected and Two selected as values with intention, do not use as value the same name as field name to avoid any naming problems in reports.
Add the updated custom field definitions to eazyBI advanced settings or ask Jira administrator or eazyBI administrator to do this for you. eazyBI advanced settings are common for all accounts and only Jira/eazyBI administrators have access to the settings.
Open source data Jira import options for edit after changes in advanced settings and select the 5 new custom fields for import as a dimension and as a property. Please make sure custom field Work Type is selected for import as property at least as well.
Run an import.
After import, you should be able to use any combination of those dimensions in your reports.
Here is my report example with my new dimensions. I used the default measure Issues created. However, any measure, including Average resolution workdays will work:
Daina / support@eazybi.com