Custom filed with linked issues and number of related items


Please help :)! I need to create custom field with linked issues, number of issues related to them and counted by open/resolved, i.e.

I have

name = “Is Blocked”
inward_link = “is blocked by”
multiple_values = true
dimension = true

and for example I have epic linked as “Is blocked by” to the Change Request and I need to know how many issues is in this epic, how many of them are open and how many are closed/resolved etc. The same for other types of linked items (story, risk, etc.).

So I would like to have the following custom field:

name = “Is Blocked”
inward_link = “is blocked by”
issues_count = ???
open_count = ???
closed_count = ???
multiple_values = true
dimension = true

I use Jira cloud and eazyBi cloud.



Please, check the following valuable sources for counting the linked issues:

  1. Import issue links as dimension
  2. Training account with different custom formulas on how to count linked issues:
    Stories with Bugs details - Issues - eazyBI Demo Training - eazyBI

Janis, eazyBI support

Hi Janis,

The structure is: Change Request is blocked by Epic. And I want to count epic child issues, not epics itself. Epic child issues can have various types as Bug, Story, Risk, etc.


Your use case seems to require a custom issue hierarchy. The prerequisite for this solution is that Epic blocks exactly one change request.

If that is the case, please find a useful explanation on how to create a custom issue hierarchy: How to create an additional issue hierarchy

Please, check the documentation and contact support once you are stuck when creating the hierarchy or report.

Janis, eazyBI support