Custom hierarchy for issues

Need help in creating custom hierarchy at an issue type level. The drilldown should be epic → feature → story. As per the set up for the project the link is as 3 points

  1. Epic is implemented by a list of features (Implemented by is the issue link of the feature with epic)
  2. Feature is implemented by a list of User Story (Implemented by is the issue link of the feature with epic)
  3. User story is implemented by a list of Technical stories (Implemented by is the issue link of the feature with epic).

Tried using below and it does not help :frowning:

name = “E Epic”
inward_link = “has Epic”
issue_type = “Epic”
update_from_issue_key = “customfield_storye”
dimension = true

name = “E Feature”
outward_link = “implements”
issue_type = “Epic”
dimension = true
update_from_issue_key = “customfield_epice”

name = “E Story”
outward_link = “implements”
issue_type = “New Feature”
update_from_issue_key = “parent_issue_key”
dimension = true

name = “Features by Stories”
all_member_name = “All Issues by Features”
levels = [
{name=“Feature”,key_column=“customfield_featuree”,issue_type=“New Feature”},
{name=“Story”,key_column=“customfield_storye”,issue_type=“User Story”},

I was able to get till below. But the features show as line items rather than step by step

name = "Feature"
inward_link = "is implemented by"
issue_type = "New Feature"
update_from_issue_key = "customfield_storye"

name = "Story E"
inward_link = "is implemented by"
issue_type = "User Story"
update_from_issue_key = "customfield_tstorye"

name = "TStory E"
inward_link = "is implemented by"
issue_type = "Tech Story"
update_from_issue_key = "issue_key"

name = "Lipin"
all_member_name = "All Issues by features"
levels = [
{name="Epic E",key_column="epic_key"},
{name="Feature",key_column="customfield_feature",issue_type="New Feature"},
{name="Story E",key_column="customfield_storye",issue_type="User Story"},
{name="TStory E",key_column="customfield_tstorye",issue_type="Tech Story"}, ]

Hello @Lipin_Peter_C,

​You seem to be on the right path.​

​You might have mixed the issue types in your first version.
​Issue type “Epic” appeared on two levels.

​The second version seems to be missing the basic hierarchy for the lower levels - story and sub-task levels.
​You might read more about the hierarchy troubleshooting here - Additional Issue hierarchies.

​You might also read more about building and debugging custom hierarchies in a community post here - How to create an additional issue hierarchy.

​Oskars /

Hello @oskars.laganovskis

Thanks a lot for responding. Tried the below and it works. I had help from @roberts.cacus as well. I am detailing the formula that was implemented so that it benefits a lot of folks who will be looking for a solution.

name = "Implements Story"
outward_link = "implements"
issue_type = "User Story"

name = "Implements Feature"
outward_link = "implements"
issue_type = "New Feature"
update_from_issue_key = "customfield_istory"

name = "Implements Epic"
outward_link = "implements"
issue_Type = "Epic"
update_from_issue_key = "customfield_ifeature"

name = "Implementations"
all_member_name = "All Implemented issues"
levels = [
  {name="Implements Epic",key_column="customfield_iepic",issue_type="Epic"},
  {name="Implements Feature",key_column="customfield_ifeature",issue_type="New Feature"},
  {name="Implements Story",key_column="customfield_istory",issue_type="User Story"}

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