I am trying to create an EazyBI report (table) such that I have a list of userstories in a project /PI and in the second column the Epic in which each userstory is in, the 3rd column the teams and lastly story points for each story.
is such implementation possible in eazyBI?
Greetings @Said_Ouassou ,
Welcome to eazyBI Community !
You can create this report by doing the following steps:
- Add “Issue” dimension in Rows and select “Parent” level from the Epic hierarchy (check that you have selected “Epic Link” in your data source options so the epic hierarchy is created)
- Then add “Project” and “Issue type” dimensions in Pages for filtering by your PI/Project and story issue type values.
- Select “Story Points created”, “Issue Epic Link” and “Issue type” from “Measure” dimension, unselect standard “Issues created” measure.
The end result should look like this, you can see “Story” for project “Agile Fox” with their story points and epic link name:
Gerda //
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