Date Removed From Active Sprint?

Hi all! I tried searching for this in the forums and couldn’t find a solution.

I’d like to create a measure that displays the date an issue was removed from the current active sprint. I was able to use the “Date Added to Sprint” measure:

[Measures].[Sprint issues added]>0
Timestamptodate(( [Measures].[Transition to last timestamp],
  [Transition Field].[Sprint status],
  [Sprint Status].[Active],
  -- An issue was added or created in an active sprint
  [Issue Sprint Status Change].[(none) => Active]

And I thought i would be able to change the

[Measures].[Sprint issues added]>0
[Issue Sprint Status Change].[(none) => Active]


[Measures].[Sprint issues removed]>0
[Issue Sprint Status Change].[Active => (none)]

but that didn’t work and I can’t get a date to populate when a issue gets removed from the sprint. Any thoughts? Am I approaching this in the wrong way?


Your solution is on the right track. The reason data does not show is that the Transition from last timestamp should be used:

Timestamptodate(( [Measures].[Transition from last timestamp],
  [Transition Field].[Sprint status],
  [Sprint Status].[Active],
  -- An issue was added or created in an active sprint
  [Issue Sprint Status Change].[Active => (none)]

Janis, eazyBI support

That did it! Thanks Janis!!