DateDiffDays is not working for customfields

Hi Team,
I tried to create a report to check time spent by defect in a particular component after the component was changed from unknown to any other.

used formula:

[Measures].[Component Assigned Date],
[Measures].[Issue created date]


Component Assigned Date : is the custom date-time field which captures the date and time when component was changed. This was imported from Jira to eazyBI.
Now I want to calculate time difference between “Issue created date” and “Component Assigned Date”

could you please help?

thanks in advance for the help.


Hi Anu,

The formula should work fine if you change the order for parameters so that the earliest date comes first:

[Measures].[Issue created date],
[Measures].[Component Assigned Date]

Note, however, that this measure can work only at the issue level in the report.

Janis eazyBI support