Days in transition status without time flagged impediment

We are currently using this formula, however, we need the transition days to not count the days in which the task is marked as a hindrance in jira.

([Measures].[Days in transition status],
[Transition Status.Category].[Listo]) +

([Measures].[Days in transition status],
[Transition Status.Category].[En curso])


Hi, @Marco_Martinez

I’m genuinely sorry for not answering sooner.

Please ensure you have the Jira custom field “Flagged” imported into eazyBI as a dimension and property. If not, please import it. You can do that in Jira import options. Please see the attached picture as a reference.

Perform the import.

To remove the days in which the task is marked as a hindrance in Jira, please use the measure: Days in Transition - Please read more about the measure here: Import issue change history

This measure is available on Jira Cloud and starting from the eazyBI version 7.0 on Jira Server/Datacenter.

The final formula should look something like this:

([Measures].[Days in transition status],
[Transition Status.Category].[To Do]) +

([Measures].[Days in transition status],
[Transition Status.Category].[In Progress])

([Measures].[Days in transition],
  [Transition Status.Category].[To Do],
([Measures].[Days in transition],
  [Transition Status.Category].[In Progress],

Please double-check the dimensions Transition Status categories names.
