Decendenant certain issue type


I would like to count all linked issues to an element which have a specific issue type. My current function is

[Issue].[Issue type].Name = “TEST type”

Unfortunately that returns nothing. Any idea?

I must admint that I have not imported the “TEST type” issues as they are in another project only liked to my project. Do I also have to import the other project to be able to do the report?


The correct formula for counting the set of issues require to use at least one measure in it. Otherwise, the formula will not consider the report context (do not adjust to the rows, columns and page filters). You also need to refer correctly to the Issue properties in this case (like issue type):

    [Measures].[Issues created]>0  AND
    [Measures].[Issue type]="TEST type"

There is however a much simpler and more efficient solution for this particular case. You can use the tuple to filter the measure by specific dimension member:

([Measures].[Issues created],
 [Issue Type].[TEST type])

Janis, eazyBI suport