Delete user's account without losing data?

Is there a way to delete a user’s account in EazyBI for Jira without losing his/her data (reports)? Thanks

Hi @Phil_Nguyen,

Reports, dashboard definitions, and calculated measures are stored in the eazyBI account. When you delete the eazyBI account, then created reports and dashboards are deleted as well.

When someone leaves the company, you might want to change the account Owner to some other user who can take over.

  1. Go to the User section of the account.
  2. Add a user who is going to be the new owner and grant him/her the role Owner.
  3. Remove the user (who left the company) from the account.

Also, check which user is used for data import and reset authorization if needed. More details here:

If you decide to delete the eazyBI account, the alternative solution is to preserve report and dashboard definitions by exporting and importing into another account:

Zane /