Deployment metrics reports

Hey dear Community,

I’m investigating to create reports on top of DevOps metrics (DORA) and where wondering how to access this data from eazyBI.

We’re using no Atlassian Deployment tooling (like Bamboo) and also not Jenkins. As Jira supports various tools to connect to the Depolyment API is there a way to access this information from eazyBI?

Thanks in advance and Cheers,

@gerda.grantina can you support me here as well. Highly appreciated :pray:

Hello @felix.geelhaar

My sincere apologies for delayed response.

On Jira Data Center and Server is available data import from Bitbucket , Bamboo , and Jenkins (starting from version 6.5). Github is available on the cloud and will be added in the next Server version (7.0). You will find more information here - DevOps data import
These are the apps we currently have integrations, and at the moment, there are no plans with other integrations.
If none of the listed tools work for you you might consider using Rest API import - Import from REST API

Best wishes,

Elita from

hey @Elita.Kalane,
thanks a lot for your answer :slight_smile:

Are there any plans of integration more options into eazybi?
I will mark it as resolved as the import from REST API will work for our use-case.


Hi @felix.geelhaar

Thanks for following up with me.
We do have some ideas in our backlog with new integrations (like Azure, GIT and others). If you are looking for any specific integration, please let me know (and share a use case if possible), I could create a ticket in our backlog and start collecting votes for it.

Best wishes,

Elita from

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Hi @Elita.Kalane :wave:
that sounds awesome. I would like to vote for the CircleCi Integration.

Cheers, Felix

Hi @felix.geelhaar

Apologies for the delayed response; I just wanted to let you know that a feature request has been created and I added your vote to it. However, I can’t give you any promises or estimates if/when the integration could take place.

Best wishes,

Elita from

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Awesome, thanks @Elita.Kalane
I owe you our use-case.

We currently have already the Deployment Options synced to Jira and have them made available within Jira itself. So in the Releases Section we have access to the Deployments and Deployment Types.

We aim to build DORA Metrics, have a Changelog of deployed functionality over time, have the data queryable in case of Incidents, and have all relevant info at the very end connected in one tool.

I was wondering, if we have the Deployment data already available in Jira, do we then need to wait for the above integration?

Cheers, Felix