Dimension hierarchy of nested groups

Hello all,

My client is currently able to view hours logged by individual users using the Logged By dimension. What they now need is to be able to view those users in a hierarchical view based on their groups, ideally being able to expand from the top parent-groups, child-groups, users in groups. I’ve worked with the Logged By Group dimension, but it only shows the flattened group membership. Ideally, we will be able to expand the top parent-group, then its sub-groups, then its sub-groups, and so on until we get to the users. Only a specific set of groups will be in-scope, e.g. we do not need the jira-users group. Below is a representation of what we need:

Logged by                                                  |Hours
group-top                                                  |120
        group-middle1                                      |80
        |           |                                      
        |           group-bottom1                          |30
        |           |           |                          
        |           |           user01                     |10
        |           |           user02                     |10
        |           |           user03                     |10
        |           |           
        |           group-bottom2                          |20
        |           |           |                          
        |           |           user04                     |10
        |           |           user05                     |10
        |           |           
        |           group-bottom3                          |30
        |                       |                          
        |                       user06                     |10
        |                       user07                     |10
        |                       user08                     |10
        group-middle2                                      |40
                    group-bottom4                          |20
                    |           |                          
                    |           user09                     |5
                    |           user10                     |5
                    |           user11                     |5
                    |           user12                     |5
                    group-bottom5                          |20
                                group-bottom-bottom1       |10
                                |                  |        
                                |                  user13  |5
                                |                  user14  |5
                                group-bottom-bottom2       |10
                                                   user13  |5
                                                   user14  |5

I have been able to the pull the users and groups that I want to with SQL, but I can’t seem to map the values to the ‘Logged by’ or ‘Logged by Group’ dimensions, and those dimensions don’t support hierarchies anyways. I appreciate any and all help.

You can create a nested calculated members. However, we do not suggest using them in formulas in similar way as hierarchies. eazyBI does not support expanding of nested calculated members that they keep the structure.

You could check if the combination of additional worklog dimension and calculated members (not nested ones) could help you here.

eazyBI support keeping the structure when expanding hierarchies only.

Daina / support@eazybi.com