Display 'Current Sprint', 'Last two sprints' and 'last 6 sprints' as columns

My team are currently tracking the average amount of days for a ticket in each transition status. Currently, it is broken down by ‘last 2 weeks’, ‘Last 30 days’, ‘Last 6 months’, but ideally I’d rather have this broken down by ‘Last sprint’, ‘Last X Sprints’ and ‘Last Y Sprints’ so we can compare our current sprint to the average across previous sprints. Is this possible? I’ve tried to change the ‘Time’ column to ‘Sprint’, but I can only seem to select specific sprints, not averaging across different ones.

Hi @JoshHC,

You can modify the report to show data for the last Sprints instead of Time.

  1. In the Sprint dimension, define three new calculated members – Current Sprint, Last two sprints, and Last 6 sprints. The documentation on calculated members is here: Calculated members in other dimensions

    The expression for the currently active Sprint might look like this:

          --set of sprints
          --filter criteria by sprint current status
          NOT [Sprint].CurrentMember.getBoolean('Closed') AND
          [Sprint].CurrentMember.get('Status') = "Active")

    And for the last 2 sprints, the expression might look like this:

      -- get all boards
        -- access all children - sprints from the board and get the last 5 closed
          [Sprint].CurrentMember.Get('Status') MATCHES "Active|Closed"),

    See the Demo account for more examples of how to create calculated members in the Sprint dimension: Issues - Jira Demo - eazyBI.

  2. Remove the “Time” dimension from the report.

  3. Move the Sprint dimension on report columns and select all three new members Current Sprint, Last two sprints, and Last 6 sprints.

Zane / support@eazyBI.com