Does eazybi with jira support read-only text fields?

In Source, under custom fields, i cant seem to find fields that are read-only. Is that supported?

Hi @Meytal-BM

By default, eazyBI recognizes custom fields with standard custom field types, which are described here: Jira custom fields

For all other custom fields, you may want to define advanced settings so eazyBI would recognize how to treat them (what data type, how ou would want to import it, multiple or single value). They can appear in the custom fields list only after adding settings. Here is how to define advanced settings for the custom fields: Advanced settings for custom fields


great that worked! thanku so much

Hi @Meytal-BM,

How did you manage to import these fields?

I’m attempting to import a Custom User Property Field (read-only) using the following configuration:

data_type = “string”
dimension = true

However, it doesn’t appear in the list of Custom fields in the import options.

Could you please share the code you used for this?

Thank you!

Hi @Miqueas_Milanesio i added to Advanced Settings each read-only field like this:

x-Department (read-only)

data_type = “string”
dimension = true

  1. You need to go re-import
  2. After import is complete, go to source->edit->custom fields, you need to check the dimensions in order to appear in your reports.

hope this helps

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