Drill through issues error with defined caculated members

Hi, I’m Sienna and I’m building a report about resolution intervals.
I followed this report, Lead time distribution - Issues - Jira Demo - eazyBI,
but I always get error messages when I click drill through issues.

There are two pages in my report.
One is project dimension, and the other is Corporate, a customfield dimension.
After trying to make some changes with my report, I found that I got error because of the Corporate dimension.

I tried to make a report about rosolved issues by resolution intervals depending on corporate, and its values are HQ, Asia-Pacific, European, American, Mideast and so on.
And I wanted to devide them into HQ and Corporates, so I defined them as new calculated members.
The MDX are following.

HQ : [Corporate].[HQ]
Corporates : Aggregate(
– addresses members of a particular level only
[Corporate].[Corporate] .Members,
{[Corporate].[HQ], [Corporate].[(none)]}
Total : Aggregate(
{[Corporate].[HQ], [Corporate].[Corporates]}

When I use the default member, All Corporates, there is no error and I can get issues, eventhough it is slow.
There are about 100 issues.

Is there any spaces to optimize my report?
Do I have to avoid to use defined calculated members?
If you need any missing information about this problem, please let me know.

Any advice will be helpful to me.
I’m looking for your reply.


Hi @nabbonge,

Aggregations and multiple selections in report pages can slow down the report loading and the drill-through issues operation. We tried to mitigate that effect since eazyBI 6.5.0 and in Cloud. If you are on an earlier version, I recommend upgrading. Please see the full changelog here - Changelog - eazyBI for Jira.

Alternatively, I recommend performing the exclusion operation with a calculated measure. For one of the use cases, to exclude the “HQ” and “(none)” members of the Corporate dimension, you could try the calculated measure formula below:

([Measures].[Issues resolved,
([Measures].[Issues resolved],
([Measures].[Issues resolved],

Unfortunately, you would lose the dynamic selection option with calculated measures. See more details about calculated measures here - ​Calculated measures and members.

Roberts // support@eazybi.com