Drill through issues error without error message

Hey all,

I’ve created a bugs backlog report with created - resolved issues by priority.
This code is an example of one of the priorities calculated:

–annotations.group = Bug Backlog Measures
WHEN CurrentTuple(VisibleRowsSet()).Item(0).Name = ‘$total_aggregate’ THEN
(([Measures].[Issues created],[Issue Type].[Bug],[Priority].[Medium]))+
(([Measures].[Issues created],[Issue Type].[Legacy Bug],[Priority].[Medium]))-
(([Measures].[Issues closed],[Issue Type].[Bug],[Priority].[Medium]))-
(([Measures].[Issues closed],[Issue Type].[Legacy Bug],[Priority].[Medium]))

Head(VisibleRowsSet(), Rank(CurrentTuple(VisibleRowsSet()), VisibleRowsSet())),
(([Measures].[Issues created],[Issue Type].[Bug],[Priority].[Medium]))+
(([Measures].[Issues created],[Issue Type].[Legacy Bug],[Priority].[Medium]))-
(([Measures].[Issues closed],[Issue Type].[Bug],[Priority].[Medium]))-
(([Measures].[Issues closed],[Issue Type].[Legacy Bug],[Priority].[Medium]))

It’s working really fine and with good performance but when I try to Drill on any of the priorities I’m getting an error message (returned fast, so no timeout) without description:

Thanks in advance for the help

Hi Danilo,

Unfortunately, such a construction used behind the cumulative calculation is not suitable for the drill-through operation in the report. As you may have noticed, the standard calculation of the cumulative does not allow the drill-through issue option since we can not see a feasible workaround for this limitation currently.

Janis, eazyBI support

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Many thanks Janis,
No problem. I’ll create an auxiliary report for that :slight_smile:

Best regards