Duration formatting doesn't work right

I use Report-specific measures “Time Spent” and “Tempo planned hours” in my report, but if I choose such formatting:
the report shows 40m instead 40h and 8m instead 8h for a workday. What am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!

Hi @KAbdulina
Thanks for posting your question!

Before you use the duration formatting, you should convert your measure into minutes.
You can do that by multuplying the measure by 24 (hours in a day) and 60 (60 minutes in an hour) similarly as I’ve shown in formula below.

[Measures].[Time Spent] * 24 * 60

And now you can apply the formating to shows duration in ##hd ##h ##m.

More details on formatting are here: Calculated measures
Best wishes,
Elita from support@eazybi.com