eCD 2018 - How to create template account

During the second-day workshops, the eazyBI team is using the following eazyBI demo account

To repeat examples provided during presentations, you can clone the above account configuration in your own new test account (it will have the same data import as Demo account). Please follow these steps to do this:

  1. Log in to If you do not have an account, go to the next point
  2. Click on the link This will lead you to create a new template account (if you do not have an user account you will need to sign up first).
  3. Enter the account name (whatever name you wish). Proceed to the account creation.
  4. Import the Jira data source in your new account from the Source Data tab. (Leave the REST API for later, that will be explained during one of the presentations.)

You can further import the reports from Demo account or create them together with eazyBI team during presentations.