Eliminate a state in the time calculation between one state and another

Good morning:
Following the example below (taken from topic 8752) how can it be improved to disregard a state?
Thank you very much in advance,
Best regards

[Measures].[Issue status] = “Total Cycle Time” --check current status for issues
[Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],
[Transition Status].[Done]
)>0 --checks if issue went to Done status
[Measures].[Days in transition Status],
[Transition Status].Defaultmember
) --returns the total time issue spent in all historical statuses


The recommended approach for this use case is to define an issu cycle in the eazyBI data import options: Issue cycles. This feature allows defining the statuses you wish to include in the issue cycle time calculation. The feature will create new standard measures allowing to do calculations with the cycle time.

Alternatively, you may create a custom formula that subtracts from the total days in transition statuses some specific status. The exact solution depends on the report outlook, but a formula like this will show the total time in all statuses except, the Waiting for customer:

[Measures].[Days in transition status]
([Measures].[Days in transition status],
[Transition Status].[Waiting for customer])

Janis, eazyBI support