Erro importing mysql db in remote location in eazyBI

Error : com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.CommunicationsException : Communications link failure
The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. the Driver has not received any pakcets from the server.

Can you figure out the cause of the error?
I’m looking at the firewall, but if there are other possible causes please comment.

Firewall is all allowed.

my jira server is configured as a node, so I have both a node ip and a vip.
I am currently allowed as a vip, do i need to register the node ip?

Helloo @dkei ,
Please send us eazyBI log files (Troubleshooting).

You can send them via email ( or upload them in our contact form

Gerda //

Sorry. Company Policy prevents us from posting log files.

I tried switching browsers, and get the above error in safari browser.
but in Chrome, I got an error log with the following message.
The value '58:56:49" is an invalid TIME value.

Perhaps the error occurred during the import process because the DB data type for specific columns was set to TIME, but it was used as duration that exceeds 24 hours.
In this case, what is the appropricate DB data type that can be used as DURATION TIME in eazyBI ?

Hi @dkei ,
Unfortunately, without log files, it is impossible to troubleshoot this issue and provide you with a solution that will fix it.
Log files shared via email ( or uploaded in eazyBI contact form are available only to the eazyBI support team.


Experiencing the issue as well. Emailed log to support