Error on import due to issue being deleted in Jira afterwards

what can I do if eazybi error looking for an issue that has been deleted in Jira.
I am getting a Null error, and error during the hourly import.
I tired re-import the issues, deleted the issue cube and do another reimport but still getting an error.

2019-12-04 11:12:43 -0800 INFO: [application_import 15] account 21 : import_issues using importer max size 4, available cores 36
2019-12-04 11:18:46 -0800 ERROR: [application_import 15] account 21 : jira_issue_as_json failed for AR-32993
2019-12-04 11:18:46 -0800 ERROR: [application_import 15] account 21 : Java::JavaLang::NullPointerException:
2019-12-04 11:18:46 -0800 ERROR: [application_import 15] from
2019-12-04 11:18:46 -0800 ERROR: [application_import 15] from

Hi @dealseekerpinky

A deleted issue shouldn’t give any errors during the eazyBI import. Please send us the eazyBI log files via our support email or upload them in our contact form

Here is a link on how to get the full eazyBI log files -

Roberts // eazyBI support