Estimation Burndown charts based on [Original Estmated hours], [Remaining Estimated hours] and [Time spent]

Dear Community,

I try to create some Burndown charts for classical project management approach.
One big topic is to use [Original Estimates] based on issue DueDates - nevertheless, I learned this should only be possible if a new measure is defined by JavaScript ( Original estimated hours - how to filter by issue date closed? - Questions & Answers - eazyBI Community), but I don´t have the possibility… So if it is possible by “just” using mdx, I´m happy to get the solution :slight_smile:

So, I created a Burndown curve by calculating the sum of all [Remaining Estimates] and [Hours Spent] over the whole time period and substract the [Remaining Estimates] and the [Hours Spent] each week (The blue curve in the picture)…
Of course, it´s a first approach and I´m no programmer, therefore, I was happy to get this calculation :slight_smile: (I will put it at the end of this massage)…
Nevertheless, the curve calculates each time the new behavior and the new starting point (e.g. when any [Remaining Estimate] is updated manually in any Jira issue). But, is there any possibility to fix/freeze the past and just calculate the curve starting from today (the red hand-curve in the picture)? Then it would be possible to see when the planning of the issues changed and how…

[Measures].[Test - RemEst/HrSpent] =
[Time.Weekly].[Week].DateMembersBetween(‘2024-10-07’, ‘2025-06-16’),
[Measures].[Remaining estimated hours]
[Time.Weekly].[Week].DateMembersBetween(‘2024-10-07’, ‘2025-06-16’),
[Measures].[Hours spent]
) - CumulativeSum([Measures].[Remaining estimated hours]) - CumulativeSum([Measures].[Hours spent])

Thank you for any hint!