Evaluation of component field history

Hello everyone,

I need to create a report that shows the number of Issues with missing fields over time.
I use the time Dimension as columns.

The goal of the report is to show how or issue quality develops (hopefully it gets better :wink: )

The criteria we defined are in pseudo code:

Issuetype “Story”
AND issue in Status (“Open” or “In Progress”)
issue has no assignee OR
issue has no reporter OR
issue has no component

I know, that I can use the Measure “Issues history”, which works nice e.g. for the assignee.

[Measures].[Issues history],

What gives me a headache is the Component field. I couldn’t make it work with the measure “Issues history” and I have seen some posts in the forum that an evaluation as requested by me is not possible at all, because it is a multiselect field.
I only need to know if the component field was Empty at the point in time. I don’t need to know the exact component it may have had.

My question is know: Is there any workaround or “creative” solution?

On the instance where I need the report we have Structure and eazyBI available.
The instance is administered very restrictive, so there is no access to Automation and ScriptRunner. Also it won’t be possible to create new fields.

Thanks for your help!
Best regards

​Thanks for reaching out to us in our Community page!
I’m glad to hear you already looked into this, but unfortunately, the Component is a multi-value field. Therefore, we are not tracking its change history at the moment. And there currently, there is also no workaround for it.
We do have a feature request regarding that in our backlog, and I have added your vote to it. I will update this post once there are some news.

Best wishes,

Elita from support@eazybi.com

Thanks for your reply and the clarification.
That would be a great feature to add, thanks for adding my vote. I have at least 15 colleagues that would need similar reports like the one I was trying to create.

Best regards,

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Hi everyone,
is there any update on this feature request?

Best regards